Watters Crossing Homeowners Association
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WCHOA - Architectural Control Committee (A.C.C.)

Please contact this committee BEFORE you intend to build, construct or place any permanent or temporary structure on your property to avoid additional costs to correct a violation. The ACC meets the last Tuesday of every odd number month. Unless notified, all meetings are at 7:00 PM, at the Clubhouse.

ACC Members

The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is an appointed committee in Watters Crossing. Potential ACC members are interviewed and approved by the WCHOA Board when open positions occur. The ACC meets the last Tuesday of every odd number month. The use of the online electronic forms for project submission has greatly reduced the turn-around time for ACC review of projects and most homeowners receive an answer on their submission within a few days. Note that all exterior work within Watters Crossing must be submitted for review by the ACC. Further information on the ACC can be obtained at www.watterscrossing.com and clicking on the Architectural Control Committee tab.

Project Review Forms

General Home Improvement Request
Landscaping Request
Fence StainingBuilding a Pergola, Gazebo, Shade Structure Request
Windows, Front Door, Shutters Request
Roof, Skylights Request
Storage Shed Request
Pool, Spa, Hot Tub, Electrical Request
Exterior Painting Request
Fence, HVAC Fence Request
Fence Staining Request

Architectural Control Committee Project Review Forms

Your ACC has been receiving incomplete submission forms, specifically missing PDF’s

  • All sheds, pools, pergolas, fences, and patio cover submissions are required to have a PDF showing detailed dimensions, a plat showing proposed improvement location on your property, construction materials, and stain colors as applicable. Best practice PDF’s have been to include the actual permit applications used for the City of Allen.
  • Landscape submissions must contain a current photo, as well as a detailed sketch of the proposed landscaping project, including detailed name of plants, location and “gallon” size
Please read under the ACC WEB site the detailed guidelines BEFORE you complete your Project Review Form submission. This will save you and your volunteer ACC members time in resubmissions.

About the Architectural Control Committee (A.C.C.)

The Architectural Control Committee (A.C.C.) is an appointed committee that serves to promote and ensure the high level of taste, design, quality and conformity that lies within our neighborhood. Prior to making any improvement to your property, you must request written approval from the A.C.C.

The A.C.C. utilizes the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions Restrictions as the guideline for approving all requests. Every homeowner should have received a copy of the declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions with their settlement papers at closing. Execution of a document agreeing to abide by these Covenants is a condition of receipt of title to property in Watters Crossing. Please read these documents carefully. You can find the Covenants online through the link below, or by clicking HERE.

Architectural Control Process:
Who Does What

Exterior Improvement Reviews:
This review process is handled by the ACC Volunteers and not NMI All exterior work must be submitted to the ACC for review and approval prior to any work commencing. Homeowners will go to www.watterscrossing.com and to the Architectural Control Committee link for all ACC information.
Project Reviews:
Homeowners will complete and submit a Project Review form for all exterior work. Reviews and final approval (or non-approval) will be completed by ACC volunteers. Communications to homeowners will be via email and include approvals and rejections of submitted projects.
Covenant Violations:
This process is handled by NMI and not ACC volunteers. Review of the 692 homes of Watters Crossing for compliance with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions is completed on a regular schedule by NMI associates. All resulting notices and communications are completed by NMI and all communications to homeowners regarding violations are from NMI. ACC volunteers are not involved in the violation process. If you receive an ACC violation letter and have questions, please communicate to the NMI representative detailed within the letter.

Contact the Architectural Control Committee (A.C.C.)

Larry Ciske

   Acrobat Reader Document  Architectural Control Committee Process.

WCHOA Documents

Watters Crossing Design Guidelines Second Supplement
Acrobat Reader Document 2023 Updated ACC Rules
Acrobat Reader Document 2021 Updated Policies
Acrobat Reader Document 2022 Updated Policies
Acrobat Reader Document By-Laws
Acrobat Reader Document 2022 By-Laws Amendment
Acrobat Reader Document Covenants and Restrictions
Acrobat Reader Document 2022 Rules Updates
Acrobat Reader Document Frequently Asked Questions
Acrobat Reader Document Procedure for Submitting Requests

WCHOA Guidelines

Acrobat Reader Document Guidelines - HVAC Concealment
Acrobat Reader Document Guidelines - Satellite Dish
Acrobat Reader Document Guidelines - Polycarts
Acrobat Reader Document Guidelines - Sidewalk Responsibility and Replacement
Acrobat Reader Document Guidelines - Stormdoors
Acrobat Reader Document 2023 A0 INDEX Watters Crossing ACC Guidelines- Index of ACC Guidelines 01 15 2023
Acrobat Reader Document 2023 A1 Watters Crossing ACC Guidelines Landscaping
Acrobat Reader Document 2023 A2 Watters Crossing ACC Guidelines - Fence Construction Stain - Upgrades
Acrobat Reader Document 2023 A3 Watters Crossing ACC Guidelines Pergola Gazebo Shade Structure
Acrobat Reader Document Watters Crossing ACC Guidelines - New Windows Replacement Glass Front Door and Shutters Replacement 12 1 2024
Acrobat Reader Document 2023 A5 Watters Crossing ACC Guidelines - Security Camera
Acrobat Reader Document 2023 A6 Watters Crossing ACC Guidelines - Exterior House Painting
Acrobat Reader Document 2023 A7 Watters Crossing ACC Guidelines - Exterior Lighting
Acrobat Reader Document 2023 A8 Watters Crossing ACC Guidelines - General Home Improvements
Acrobat Reader Document 2023 A9 Watters Crossing ACC Guidelines - Playsets
Acrobat Reader Document 2023 A10 Watters Crossing ACC Guidelines - Storage Shed
Acrobat Reader Document 2023 A11 Watters Crossing ACC Guidelines - Pool, Spa, Hot Tub Construction
Acrobat Reader Document 2023 A12 Watters Crossing ACC Guidelines - Roof Replacement Skylights Solar Panels
Acrobat Reader Document 2023 A13 Watters Crossing ACC Guidelines - Satellite Dish
Acrobat Reader Document 2023 A14 Watters Crossing ACC Guidelines - Flagpoles

To Watters Crossing Homeowners

The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) process was a repeated subject at our recent Homeowners Annual Meeting. First, the Board wants to thank all homeowners for continuing to work closely with the Board and the Architectural Control Committee to keep our community beautiful and a place that we can all certainly be proud of and enjoy the multitude of activities to do within the Allen area. Read More HERE.

Easements and Restrictions
Riverside Easement

Rear Property Easements

507, 509, 511, 513, 515, 517, 1201, 1203, 1205, 1207, 1209, 1211, 1213, 1215

Riverside Court Homeowners

There is no WCHOA Private Common Open Space nor any land in the rear of your property that is maintained by the WCHOA. However, there is an easement which we will outline below.

As shown on the included plat, there are 14 properties governed by a restrictive easement at the rear of each lot. The language of that easement is below and on the attached plat:

“Restricted ten (10) foot area along the rear of lots 1-14, Block P – The subject 10’ restricted area is to be maintained in its current natural condition. No fences, buildings, pavement, or other improvements shall be placed within this restricted area. No live trees shall be cut or removed from this restricted area. The intent of this restriction is to preserve the natural condition of the restricted area.”

Belair drive Easement While these properties go to the rear property line, live trees cannot be removed nor can anything be built on the last ten feet of the property. The ten foot section then continues on the opposite side of the property line which is shared with either Montgomery Farm or the individual homeowner in back of you. Specific details on this can be found at www.collincad.org in the interactive map link.

To summarize, the wooded area in the rear of these property is a protected easement, intended to remain in its natural condition. The area is not part of the Watters Crossing Private Common Open Space and the HOA does not maintain the area. The protected area is owned by the individual homeowner of the lots called out and are under the restrictions noted.

EXCEPTION: 1215 Riverside Court is included in the protected easement, BUT does have WCHOA Private Common Open Space owned and maintained by WCHOA on the side adjacent to the pond.

Bel Air Drive Homeowners & Westwood Court Homeowners

607, 603, 1009, 1007, 1005, 1003, 1001 Bel Air Drive Homeowners

1000, 1002, 1004, 1006, 1008 Westwood Court Homeowners

Irvine Treeline The above properties are effected by a Drainage and Utility Easement in the rear of each property. As the attached plat illustrates, each property listed above shares a common property line with one, or more, of the other property owners listed above. Ten feet on each side of that propery line is the Drainage and Utility Easement. There is no WCHOA Private Common Open Space in this area. As such, there is no WCHOA maintained area. Removing fallen trees and keeping the drainage easement open is the responsibility of the individual homeowner(s).

Rear Property Treelines

Irvine Drive Homeowners

406, 408, 410, 412, 414, 500, 502, 504, 506,508, 510, 512, 514, 516 Irvine Drive Homeowners

1235, 1233, 1231, 1229, 1227, 1225, 1223, 1221, 1219 Irvine Drive Homeowners

There is no Watters Crossing HOA Private Common Open Space nor any land in the rear of the above properties that is maintained by the WCHOA. The trees within the treeline are part of the Connemera Crossing HOA Open Space. Fallen trees and/ or any resulting damage should be referred to the Connemera Crossing HOA. Further details can be obtained in the interactive maps at www.collincad.org

Imperial Drive Treeline

Imperial Drive Homeowners

1425, 1423, 1421, 1419, 1417, 1415 Imperial Drive Homeowners

There is no Watters Crossing HOA Private Common Open Space nor any land in the rear of the above properties that is maintained by the WCHOA. The trees within the treeline are part of each individual homeowner’s lot, behind you, in Hamilton Hills. Fallen trees and/ or any resulting damage should be referred to that homeowner. Further details can be obtained in the interactive maps at www.collincad.org

Woodbridge Drive Homeowners

409, 411, 413, 415, 417, 419 Woodbridge Drive Homeowners

There is no Watters Crossing HOA Private Common Open Space nor any land in the rear of the above properties that is maintained by the WCHOA. The trees within the treeline are part of each individual homeowner’s lot, behind you, in Hamilton Hills. Fallen trees and/ or any resulting damage should be referred to that homeowner. Further details can be obtained in the interactive maps at www.collincad.org Woodbridge Drive Alley Treeline

Landscaping Plans

The ACC receives and reviews landscaping plans from homeowners as all improvements must be reviewed. Plans are delayed and many times declined due to inadequate information being provided. If you are submitting plans for landscaping, please utilize the online form at www.watterscrossing.com in the ACC link. You do have the ability to upload a landscaping plan within the form. Please include:

1. A plat of the property

2. A complete and detailed plan showing:

    a. All existing vegetation
    b. What, if anything, is being removed.
    c. The locations of all proposed new plantings.
    d. The name of all plants
    e. The size (gallons) of all proposed plants
    f. Any area of hardscape (river rock, border edging, etc).
    g. A picture of all proposed hardscape.
    h. All areas of sod being replaced.

Some notes to consider on your plans:

1. The ACC does not accept brick nor manufactured stone as edging if not mortared. Manufactured stone is acceptable as edging if not mortared only when it is installed with no more than two courses in height.

2. All foundation plantings must be planted and maintained for full, continuous, evergreen type plantings. While perennials, annuals, and tropicals are welcome additions to landscaping, they do not fulfil the evergreen requirement as they are dormant or dead in the winter.

3. Expanded beds within front yards must contain and maintain a minimum of 50% coverage in evergreen type bushes and / or groundcovers.

4. Replacement plans must be planned as five-gallon for primary plantings and three-gallon for secondary (or front row) plantings. One-gallon plantings are accepted as fill-in and edging, such as lioripes.

5. Depending upon front yard sun exposure, the ACC does accept plans for review that utilize xeriscaping and drip irrigation.

Complete plans on your first submission will result in a quick review. The ACC greatly appreciates assistance with this when submitting plans

Do You have areas where Grass won't Grow?


"Compared to shade trees and shrubs, ground covers are relative newcomers to North Texas landscaping. Many of us can remember when English ivy and trailing vinca were the only two turf grass replacements you’d see in our gardens. That was partly because we hadn't been exposed to the concept, and it was partly because good forms of edging hadn't come into the marketplace"... (Read More)


"The truth about growing grass in the shade is this: You can’t. Trees want full sun and grasses want full sun. Trees win. Thinning the trees helps a little, for a while, but not long term; foliage grows back. Removing trees will work, but that’s usually not the best thing to do. "... (Read More)

ACC is Energy/Water Usage Sensitive

wchoaSome comments, questions, on new items presented to the ACC for Watters Crossing within the past year:

The ACC accepts rain barrel installations.  The preferred location is within the rear, fenced in yard locations.  These will be accepted on the sides of properties when completely concealed by a six (6) foot to eight (8) foot tall, solid fence panel.  The width of the panel is determined as needed for concealment.

The ACC accepts solar roof panels.  Indeed, the third home, located in Phase III, was recently approved for installation.  Panels will be mounted on rear, or in some cases, side roofs.

The ACC accepts plans for yard renovations / reconstructions using drought tolerant, low water usage plants, ground covers and more.

As with all exterior improvements, any of the above must be submitted to the ACC for review and approval prior to any construction commencing.  Project submissions now are easy using the online forms and most projects are expedited within the committee via email.  Project forms provide the ability to upload photos, plats, and other supporting documents.

The ACC thanks you for working within the Review Guidelines of Watters Crossing.

Satellite Dish Installations Requiring ACC Review

Satellite dishes are popping up in Watters Crossing, many having not been reviewed and currently in violation of the Covenants. If you have a recently installed dish or a dish installed on a side roof, please read further information Click Here

Signs Within Our Neighborhood

Political Signs
Size and types of political signs permitted are outlined in the Texas Property Code. These cannot be installed more than 90 days prior to the election date and must be removed within ten days of the election date.

Realtor Signs
A home is permitted one (1) For Sale sign no larger than five square feet. Realtor guidance on signing is shown in the Realtor link at www.watterscrossing.com Realtor signs and open house signs installed in the entrance monuments will be removed.

Yard Sale Signs
Signs for yard sales, yards, sales, etc. are never permitted within Watters Crossing. We urge homeowners to participate in one or more of the two annual Community Wide Yard Sales which your HOA schedules each year.

Contractor Signs
Signs for all contractors, trades, etc, are never permitted within Watters Crossing and will be removed.

ACC Expedited Review of Replacement Roofs

Please be aware that all roof replacements must be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) prior to work commencing. It is not necessary to wait until the next scheduled ACC meeting for review. Roof replacements are typically expedited by the ACC. Please utilize the Roof Replacement Form at www.watterscrossing.com for expediting a review. Note that roofs planned in the color "Weathered Wood" will be approved within two days. All other colors will require a color photo or link. The online forms permit the uploading of photos with plans.

All contractor yard signs are PROHIBITED by the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of Watters Crossing. The installation of such signs will result in cancellation of the approval of your project. Please instruct your contractor accordingly.

Dogs, Dog Leashes, and Dog Poo

The WCHOA Board continues to receive complaints concerning dogs. We are asking for everyone with dogs to be aware and considerate of your neighbors. Read more…

Cars, Trucks, Garages, and More

The ACC typically receives complaints, comments, and concerns regarding on-street parking. The Declaration of of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of Watters Crossing permits on-street parking of licensed motor vehicles. Note that boats, trailers, and recreational vehicles may never be parked on any street within Watters Crossing unless actively loading or unloading.
With that said, we would ask all homeowners to be mindful of their neighbors:

  • Avoid parking directly at an intersection, alley entrance, or stop sign which creates blind spots for turning drivers
  • Avoid parking directly opposite another car on your street as it creates both blind spots and difficulty for passing vehicles
  • Avoid, where possible, parking on Bel Air Drive; this street is heavily traveled by pedestrians (with kids and dogs) using the Hike and Bike trail. It also passes a number of areas of congestion including the Clubhouse, the Clubhouse Pool, the tennis court, three parks, and a school crossing.
Finally, while the Covenants permit on-street parking, Section 4.4 does restrict garage usage to parking of motor vehicles:

Section 4.4 Garage Required. Each Residence shall have a two-car garage conforming with then-applicable City zoning ordinances and codes, and the garage must conform in design and materials with the main structure of the Residence. No garage shall be converted to living space or used in any manner so as to preclude the parking of two automobiles therein, except for temporary usage as part of the sales facilities contained in any model homes constructed by a home builder.

Garrage  Your Car Called and Wants its Garage Back.

  Two car garages cannot be adapted to other usages, such as storage, an exercise area, or   permanent workshop. They must be maintained to hold two vehicles. Any usage that prevents   the usage as intended of holding two vehicles is a violation of the Covenants.

We do appreciate everything homeowners do to help keep our neighbor attractive and safe to travel.

Some ACC Reminders


The winter freeze of 2021is long over. NMI will be reviewing homeowner properties who have landscaping violations. NMI will address these on an individual basis with owners to remedy and bring yards to standards of the Covenants and ACC Guidelines. Landscaping Guidelines for foundations plants, yard beds, trees, etc are located at www.watterscrossing.com in the ACC link.

Home Improvement Reviews:

Recently, some homeowners have pursued exterior improvements with no ACC review. In some cases, costly changes had to be done by the homeowner to bring the improvements into compliance. Please be aware that all exterior improvements must be submitted to the ACC via a Project Review Form, prior to any work commencing. Please allow for sufficient time for ACC review. While most project reviews are turned around quickly, the ACC is allowed thirty (30) days for all project reviews. While not inclusive of all items, the following are typical examples of improvement which must be submitted for review:

  • Exterior painting
  • Exterior staining
  • Construction of any type
  • Window replacement
  • Roof replacement
  • Fence replacement
  • Proposals for storage sheds, playsets, and trampolines.
  • Major landscaping
Avoid costly changes to your improvement plans; submit a project review form for all improvements (and await approval) prior to commencing work.

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Watters Crossing Homeowners Association