The Watters Crossing Easter Egg Hunt is Coming!

Mark your calendar to hop on down to the park in Phase III for the Annual Watters Crossing
Easter Egg Hunt. Watters Crossing children ages 5 and under are invited to participate. The Hunt starts at 10:10 AM and
ages 3 and under will be given a head start, followed by the second group, ages 4 and 5. Don’t forget to bring your basket!
Date: Saturday, April 19, 2025
Location: Phase III Park / Located at Bel Air Drive and Placer Drive
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Easter Bunny: Children can visit with the Easter Bunny in person.
Also: Bounce House, DJ music, popcorn, and kids’ drinks.
214-499-6236 |
COMING! Watters Crossing Spring Party 2025
Join with your Watters Crossing neighbors for the biggest event of the year:
- Saturday, April 26, 2025
- 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM
- At the Clubhouse grounds
Watch for further info. Volunteers will be needed.
Owl Box Added to Watters Crossing Trail
During their recent Founder’s Day and Halloween event at the clubhouse, the Girl Scouts of Service Unit 108 (SU108) constructed a screech owl box. The founder of Girl Scouts
USA, Juliette Gordon Low, was born on Halloween, and started the service-oriented program and focused on art, basketball, the outdoors, and carpentry, among other things.
The owl box was installed northeast of the Phase 1 pond. SU108, one of the two Allen area Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas (GSNETX) units, worked with the Blackland Prairie Raptor Center (BPRC)
to get everything right; the BPRC also staffed an educational booth at the event. Male owls will be scouting out homes from now through January. In Feb-April, the families pair up, and the ladies get the nest. Dad delivers food to them, but doesn't nest there. Hatchlings will appear a month later and will leave the box by June. Keep your eyes peeled for any new residents, but be sure to give them their space. A nesting family will remove 1000 rodents a year.
FROM, Texas Neighborhood Coalition
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving break and a good beginning to the Christmas season.
Our TX Neighborhood Coalition promised to keep you up to date on state-wide issues impacting our neighborhoods, and sorry to report some troubling news. Just like in 2023,
the 2025 TX Legislature is again looking to wreck single-family neighborhoods throughout the state. We will need your help to combat this.
On November 13, 2024, Representative Vasut, from a rural district some miles from Houston, filed HB 878. This bill wrecks single-family neighborhoods in two separate ways.
In most large cities in Texas, it would allow developers to carve up single-family lots into mini-lots and build multiple homes on each lot. It would also allow second homes to be built on any
single-family lot in the state, regardless of city size. This bill prevents cities from regulating and protecting their existing residential neighborhoods.
What can you do if you don't want mini-lots and multi-family dwellings next to your single-family home? Contact your state Senators, Representatives, and city officials as soon as possible
and demand that they oppose this terrible bill and do so publicly. It is imperative that this atrocious bill be stopped NOW before it can gain any traction.
Note that we expect other such bills to be filed, and we will keep you updated. Read more HERE.
Thank you for helping protect our neighborhoods.
Andrew Muras
Co-founder, TX Neighborhood Coalition
A Few Reminders
HOUSE NUMBERS: All homes within Watters Crossing have carved stone house numbers on the front elevation. It is recommended to trim and maintain adjacent
landscaping such that these numbers are visible from the street. Also, there are a significant number of homes within Watters Crossing which have had the house
numbers removed that were originally above the garage doors. These are extremely important to emergency vehicles in locating the correct property if they have to access
the home via the alleys. If you have a sliding driveway gate, your numbers on your garage may not be visible to the alley. House numbers then should be mounted on
your driveway gate. Rear house numbers are required by the City of Allen.
TRASH AND RECYCLE POLYCARTS: Carts must be stored in areas not visible to any street. This includes visibility between houses and through alley entries. If you can see
your polycart from any street, it is a violation of City of Allen code and your WCHOA Covenants. Guidelines are
DOG STATIONS: Dog Waste Stations are located throughout Watters Crossing. It is both in your Covenants and in the City of Allen codes to pick up after your dog.
Trees and the Contractors who “Trim”
We would alert homeowners to use caution when selecting anyone to trim your trees. There are many groups driving the neighborhood offering the
service of “tree trimming”. Please ensure you research who you are using. Yes, you can get a lower price, but results can be a problem. Some
flags to look for:
- The contractor leaves all the limbs and debris from the trimming. The City of Allen requires that all contractors trimming trees remove
from the property all trimming and debris.
- The “trimming” results in stumps
- Limbs should be trimmed to natural joints. When stumps are left, typically the stub will rot back to the tree. This is usually
after it has sent out multiple suckers. The canopy of the tree is destroyed.
The overall limb structure is weakened, making the tree susceptible to ice and storm damage
2025 CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR RESIDENTS OF WATTERS CROSSING All dates subject to change or cancellation.
Easter Egg Hunt |
Saturday, April 19 |
Phase III Playground |
10:00AM – 12:00PM |
Spring Party |
Saturday, April 26 |
Clubhouse |
4:00PM – 10:00PM |
Pools Open |
Thursday, May 1 |
Clubhouse & Newport Drive |
10:00AM |
First Friday Film |
Friday, May 2 |
Clubhouse |
8:30PM |
Spring Yard Sale |
Saturday, May 3 |
Neighborhood |
8:00AM – 3:00PM |
Annual Homeowners Meeting |
Sunday, May 4 |
Clubhouse |
1:00PM |
First Friday Film |
Friday, June 6 |
Phase I / Clubhouse Pool |
8:30PM |
First Friday Film |
Friday, July 4 |
Phase I / Clubhouse Pool |
8:30PM |
First Friday Film |
Friday, August 1 |
Phase I / Clubhouse Pool |
8:30PM |
Saturday, August 9 |
Phase II / Newport Pool |
3:00PM – 10:00PM |
First Friday Film |
Friday, September 5 |
Phase I / Clubhouse Pool |
8:30PM |
Fall Yard Sale |
Saturday, September 27 |
Neighborhood |
8:00AM - 3:00PM |
Pools Close |
Tuesday, September 30 |
Clubhouse & Newport Drive |
10:00PM |
Saturday, October 4 |
Phase I / Clubhouse Pool |
12:00PM – 3:00PM |
Feels Like Fall |
Saturday, October 18 |
Phase I Pond |
3:00PM – 10:00PM |
Holiday Social |
Friday, December 5 |
Clubhouse |
6:00PM – 10:00PM |
Judging for Holiday Lights |
Week of December 15 |
Neighborhood |
7:00PM |
- WCHOA Board Meets 7:00 PM 3rd Monday of every month.
- ACC meets 7:00PM last Tuesday of every odd numbered month.
Join the community email list. Visit www.watterscrossing.com
Local Weather
Members Only Information
Get WCHOA Email !
WCHOA broadcasts, via E-mail, newsletters, important bulletins, events, and developments that may affect our community. This is the fastest way to disseminate information throughout our neighborhood.
Any information you provide remains confidential and undistributed.
Sign up for WCHOA email
WCHOA Crime Watch

Pool Alert: It has been brought to our attention that there is a black market for pool equipment at the
present time. Pool equipment is being stolen from backyards, even during the day. Please keep your fence locked and be aware.
To report suspicious, non-life threatening activity, please phone the City of Allen Non-Emergency number at 214-509-4321
Also, please visit the link below for further information:
City of Allen Police Community Relations
To ask a question concerning recent illegal activity within Watters Crossing, or to inquire regarding any rumors which you may have heard, please email crimewatch@watterscrossing.com. Your letter will go to the Watters Crossing Crime Watch Leader, who, in consultation with the City of Allen Police, will determine if the community should be alerted via the Watters Crossing web site and Watters Crossing email.
Crime Watch Tips
- Make sure doors and windows are locked.
- Make sure shades or window covers are closed when leaving the house.
- Make sure alarm systems are set, operating properly and monitored.
- Close garage door when you are out of the garage.
- Make sure vehicles are locked when vacant
- Do not leave valuables of any type in vehicles
Know your neighbor and look out for each other in a helpful way.
Streetlights in Watters Crossing are not maintained by your Homeowners Association. They
belong to, and are maintained, by Oncor Electric. Problems, including lamps not working, can be
reported online at
www.oncor.com Phone calls can also be placed to.
Did You Know?
All Watters Crossing Homeowners Association offical information is available and posted only at
www.watterscrossing.com The Watters Crossing HOA does not support nor endorse comments, opinions, and other actions on social media sites.
Questions or Problems?
Information for questions or problems for Watters Crossing Residents Click Here
Save Your Pool Cards
Please remember to retain your Pool Access Cards for future use.. Pool cards will NOT be reissued. The cost of a replacement card is $25
and is limited to one card per address. For replacement cards, please email: poolaccess@watterscrossing.com
Pool Rules